Children need to return to school wearing uniform and appropriate school shoes as per our uniform policy.
How will dinners and breaks be organised?
We set up a system of zones in March for break times when we opened to eligible children and we will continue with this, encouraging pupils to remain with their own bubble.
In September children will eat in their own groups to prevent mixing with larger numbers of pupils.
Will my child be encouraged to wash their hands?
Yes, regular handwashing is essential to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Staff will ensure that children wash their hands frequently and ensure hygiene is a priority in school.
Please do not send your child in with their own hand gel as we will provide our own. No items can be brought in from home to reduce spread of infection except a named water bottle.
How will the classes be organised?
Children will be in their own classrooms with their teachers as follows:
- Miss Pigg with Foundation Stage
- Miss Hartley with Year 1
- Mrs Kershaw with Year 2
- Miss Purdy with Year 3 & 4 and
- Mr Seaton with Year 5 & 6.
To keep as much consistency for children returning to school, the teachers have remained in the same year groups and classrooms as last academic year.
What if my child becomes upset walking into school after such a long absence?
Children will be welcomed to school by the duty staff. We understand that some children may find it hard at first but we are confident that they will settle quickly once inside with friends and familiar staff.
Eligible children who attended during lock down from March to July were very positive about returning and quickly settled back to school life.
Will teachers and teaching assistants be on the yard?
All teachers and teaching assistants will be in their classrooms to ensure that when children come in they can follow the social distancing guidance.
Teachers will not be available at the end of the school day as their priority is to the get the children safely out of the classroom. The safest way to contact school, and maintain social distancing, is to phone and leave a message or use the ‘contact us’ form on our website.
How will children enter and leave school?
We will continue to welcome children through the side gate with one adult only per family and ask parents to leave by walking up the ramp and out the top gate. We ask that parents follow social distancing guidelines.
To collect your child(ren) you will also enter through the side gate and leave via the top gate with one adult only per family.
What time will they start and finish?
School times remain the same (9.00am to 3.15pm) and we ask that parents/carers follow the social distancing rules at all times when entering through the side gate, walking up the ramp and exiting by the top gate.
Our gates open from 8.50am and we will not congregate on the yard as usual but children will enter school to reduce the number of people on our school grounds at one time.
Which children can come to school at Bournmoor Primary?
From Wednesday 2nd September our school is open to all pupils as part of the government’s full return to education for children.