Remote learning information for parents:
This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents/carers about what to expect from remote education from Bournmoor Primary School if local restrictions require entire cohorts to remain at home.
Who is this information applicable to?
- A child, and siblings as applicable, who is self-isolating because of a positive Covid-19 test within the household.
- An entire hub that is not permitted to attend school because a child and/or member of staff has tested positive for Covid-19.
- A whole cohort that is self-isolating because of a coronavirus outbreak.
- Whole school closure due to local or national lockdown.
The remote curriculum – what is taught to pupils at home?
Teachers will set appropriate work in line with their medium-term plans and daily lessons. They recognise that younger pupils and those with SEND may not be able to access remote education without adult support and so a range of activities will be offered and the remote curriculum will be age-appropriate.
How to we support your child’s remote learning?
We send our remote learning out each week for children who are not attending school. This is also available for key worker children eligible to come in who may not be attending for 5 days each week as we want them to have a more structured approach to ensure they get the full access to their class work regardless of whether they are working at home or at school. Home learning is in a daily timetable form which provides tasks to be completed each day. This is the same work that we are teaching in school as this ensures consistency. This means that when school reopens, the children completing home learning or working at school will all return at the same point in their studies having had a consistent approach.
A weekly timetable is sent out via text to parents and is subject focused with assigned tasks. This is also uploaded to our website under the ‘Curriculum’ tab. This timetable provides a structured, daily approach to learning which we hope will help to motivate and organise your child’s learning each day. This will include paper based and online learning to allow children to access a range of learning approaches. Please contact school if you require any resources so we can arrange a time for you to collect them safely from the office.
Year 5/6 have a weekly timetable with structured tasks for each day and designated work, some of which is set on Teams. These tasks are highlighted in yellow on the home learning sheet. Please note you can access teams on Xbox and Playstation or via the app on IOS and android as well as on a laptop, tablet or PC. If your child is unable to access Teams, home learning can be completed using the weekly timetabled tasks.
What will my child be taught?
We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate. However, some subjects need adaptations for example, art where pupils may not have access to the same level of materials available in school. This also applies to PE where the focus may have been on team sports and this would not be appropriate due to the requirement for isolation. Children can access the same websites/resources that are used in their school-based lessons, for example:
- White Rose Maths
- Mathletics
- Times Tables Rockstars
- Woodlands
- Twinkl
- Phonics Play
- Online reading resources
- BBC resources for topic work
- Online safety resources e.g. Thinkuknow
There are Department for Education approved sites which can supplement the curriculum home learning we provide for example the Oaklands Academy and BBC.
Log in details for Junior pupils for Mathletics, Times Tables Rockstars,, (and for Y5/6 Teams) will be posted out this week to ensure that all Junior pupils have a copy at home if needed. Copies will be kept in school so you can contact the school office if needed. For children who live between two parental homes, we would appreciate the log ins being shared to ensure the children can access their work and again we can provide these details to both parents if needed.
We expect that remote education (including any remote teaching and independent work) will take pupils broadly the following number of hours each day:
- Up to 3 hours in Early Years and Key Stage 1
- 3-4 hours in Key Stage 2
How can my child access the remote learning?
Home Learning can be sent out via text so parents can access it and see the tasks for the week ahead. Some of the tasks provided by teachers are accessible through website links and these can be opened from the Home Learning sheet directly as they are provided. For example, children can practice their times tables by clicking the relevant link to their maths site. For parents who require materials for children to complete the work, for example pen and paper, please contact school where these can made available for you at the school office to collect. As our provision has developed and enhanced we also set tasks for Year 5/6 on Teams and Nursery to Year 4 have work set on Tapestry.
Pupils are expected to complete tasks set by teachers and can send examples of their work. Nursery to Year 4 children will be given feedback via Tapestry as we ask parents to upload requested tasks or other work to this online system. Year 5/6 children will be given feedback via Teams where set tasks will need to be returned to the class teacher. In addition to using Tapestry and Teams, parents can send work to our email for teachers to access where it will be shared with the class teacher, allowing feedback to be sent back to the pupil.
Summative assessments of the subjects/home learning can be carried out once the pupils are back in school when appropriate as well as through our usual marking of the child’s work. Teachers will continue to reward exceptional work and effort in line with our current policy to ensure pupils receive positive incentives.
We recognise that some pupils, for example some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those pupils in the following ways:
- Provide calls to families to seek views ensuring correct adjustments are made so the child can access their work.
- Provide materials to support learning at home including pens, paper, reading materials etc.
- Ensure that Home Learning resources sent out to younger pupils, or those with additional needs, provide resources the children can access e.g. phonics work, differentiated maths sheets, etc.
- Printed learning packs.
- Physical materials such as story books and writing resources.
- Use of BBC Bitesize, Oak Academy, White Rose Maths, Phonics Play and other appropriate resources.
Please see the following guide on accessing Microsoft teams via Playstation or XBox for working at home (including completing homework tasks set by class teachers):
What if we need support with accessing remote learning?
We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home. In this case, or in some cases of longer absences of remote learning, text books or workbooks may be posted out or available to collect. We also have a number of Department for Education devices which can be loaned out to families to help.
How can I help my child be safe online?
In school, we are able to restrict access to sites but at home pupils may be able to find material that is unsuitable. With increased usage and reliance on remote learning parents are encouraged to read safety tips on how to keep children safe whilst online. Any concerns regarding this can discussed with school via telephone as our aim remains to provide learning for your child that is accessible and safe. There are a wide range of sites to support online safety for children that can be accessed for advice and support:
Durham County Support for Home Learning:
Click the link for useful ideas for learning at home with your child: