Upcoming Events 2016-17 Tuesday 13th September Roald Dahl Day Tuesday 6th September School re-opens 2015-16 Wednesday 20th July School closes for the summer holidays Wednesday 20th July Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly Friday 15th July Transition morning Thursday 14th July Attendance Trip to Adventure Valley Wednesday 13th July Parents’ Evening Wednesday 6th July Year 6 Lambton Estate Visit Monday 27th June Year 1 trip to Blue Reef Aquarium Thursday 23rd June Sports Day Monday 13th June National Phonics Screening Week Monday 6th June School re-opens Friday 27th May School closes for half term Thursday 26th May Reception class assembly Monday 9th May Year 6 SATS Week Monday 11th April School reopens after Easter Thursday 24th March School closes for Easter break Wednesday 23rd March Easter egg competition closes Wednesday 23rd March Junior Easter Lunch Tuesday 22nd March Infant Easter Lunch Monday 21st March Year 2 Medieval Day Friday 18th March Sport Relief Monday 14th March Science Week Friday 11th March Teacher Training Day Thursday 10th March Year 1 Class Assembly Wednesday 9th March Karate Taster Session Tuesday 8th March Parents’ Evening Monday 7th March Parents’ Evening Thursday 3rd March World Book Day Wednesday 2nd March Y2 Lumley Castle Trip Tuesday 1st March Y1 Hancock Museum Trip