At Bournmoor Primary School we recognise that joining a school, or moving to another school, can be a difficult process for children. Pupils with SEND may need additional support to make a successful transition into their new school. Below are the ways that we support pupils to do this.
How we support children/young people with SEN starting at our school
Transition into Reception
Our new Reception starters are offered approximately four one hour weekly visits to school in June/July to enable them to meet their class teacher and get to know the routines. In addition to this all parents/carers are invited in with their child for a meeting to find out about school. They can then stay for lunch with their child and see how our lunchtime routines work. Parent feedback on these opportunities is very positive as it means that by the time September comes around children know the staff and routines very well. We do not offer a staggered start in September; pupils come in and are full time from the start. Again, as children have previously visited and got to know us, we find that this allows them to quickly settle into school life.
SEND Provision when Children Begin in Reception Class
On entry to Reception, children are assessed using The Foundation Stage Profile as a Baseline Scheme. Records from previous schools will be used when children transfer from another primary school and maths and literacy will be assessed within a half-term. On entry to the school each child’s attainment will be assessed. This will help to inform the teacher of child’s aptitudes, abilities, and attainments, and will be used to improve continuity in learning. The records provided help the school to design differentiated learning programmes.
How we support children/young people with SEN moving to our school
Moving from Another School
Sometimes children have to move school during an academic year and this can lead to anxiety. At Bournmoor we recognise this and work to support children and families to have a smooth transition.
For example we:
- Meet the parents to help build home/school relationships
- Meet the pupil and show them around our school
- Keep all staff informed of the new pupil’s arrival and any additional needs they may have to ensure that they can quickly settle in with the correct support
- Look at the help already provided to the pupil to ensure a continuous service can be given
How we support children/young people with SEN leaving our school
Transition to Secondary
Pupils in Year 6 are offered many opportunities to work with teachers from our local feeder secondary. This allows them to experience the next part of the education system first hand while still part of the primary phase. We work in partnership with our feeder secondary schools to provide an enhanced level of transition for those who we feel would benefit from this. This may take the form of additional visits for pupils, one to one / small group working with secondary school staff or pupil mentoring from secondary schools.
The period of transition depends on the individual needs of the pupil. If it is felt appropriate secondary school colleagues will attend Annual Reviews to meet the current class teacher, parents and most importantly the pupil. We have found this strategy particularly useful in easing any worries or concerns parents and pupils may have. We are particularly keen to involve parents/carers as much as possible in their child’s transition to secondary school. If needed, our Parent Support Advisor can work alongside parents/carers to discuss secondary schools in advance of secondary placement applications being submitted to the Local Authority. This ensures parents/carers can make the most informed placement decision for their child.
When a secondary school has been allocated to the child, parents are fully involved and consulted at all stages of the transition process. Transition from each year group is supported so that the children have met with their new teachers and are familiar with the new classroom environment and organisation.
At Bournmoor Primary School we aim to be supportive so additional visit opportunities or multi-agency meetings can be organised if required and we link closely with the SENCO in our feeder secondary school and their support staff.
If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.