At Bournmoor Primary School we offer the following arrangements for supporting children and young people with social and emotional developments along with pastoral support arrangements for listening to the views of children and young people with SEN and measures to prevent bullying:
- SEN children have their own ‘pupil profile’ to complete which allows them to share their likes/dislikes, achievements and areas they feel they need support with. We encourage pupil voice and warmly welcome suggestions.
- We offer a range of interventions around social, emotional and mental health such as Talkabout, Relax Kids, Mindfulness and opportunities to talk.
- Our Parent Support Advisor is available to talk to children (and families) to support their emotional well-being.
- Assemblies and class workshops are used to share key events such as Anti-Bullying Week, Diversity Week, Mental Health Week and Internet Safety to ensure children know where to get support and what their rights are.
- Values of the Month are promoted in our school and celebrated to ensure children are encouraged to develop key skills such as resilience, determination and safety to name but a few.
- Our PSHE curriculum is developed to allow pupils to learn about aspects of well-being including Anna Freud mental health resources to talk about ‘Big Feelings’.
- We develop pupils’ ability to share their views through class comment boxes, elected School Councillors and pupil questionnaires.
- Our after school clubs help to develop children’s social skills. We listen to the views of children regarding their choice of clubs and aim to accommodate them.
- We listen to the views of children in whole school assemblies as they can write and present on a range of topics that interest them. Children have presented assemblies on autism for example to share and educate.
- Our SENCO shares a wide range of resources with families to give guidelines and support if needed on emotional well-being (these are also on our notice board in the main foyer to ensure paper copies are available).
- A member of staff from the Equalities Team (Durham) worked in school with Y4 – 6 to develop their understanding of the Equality Act 2010 through discussion and scenarios.